From Farm to Fork
Expertise & quality
Agro Q executives have been working in the direction of Integrated Plant Protection and Cultivation (monitoring the biological cycle of enemies using a network of insect traps, rational plant nutrition using soil & leaf analysis, application of modern cultivation techniques in Fruit cultivation etc.).
Large producers' organizations entrusted us with the development of an Integrated Management System.
For the first time nationwide, three Producer Organizations - our partners were certified, according to the AGRO 2 - AGROCERT standard
We organize and audit the implementation actions of application certified integrated farm production management, within framework of Measure 4.3 of P.A.D, in various production bodies all over the country. This activity continues to this day, utilizing a variety of other financial tools
It was assigned to the Project Group we created, through a competition from O.P.E.G.E.P. – AGROCERT, the drafting of specialized National Quality Protocols in Olive and Peach Production. The works are delivered in 2007
At the beginning of the year, in the count of Certified Agricultural Holdings, Agro Q holds the first place among the consulting companies.
In the same year, we start supporting the implementation of private protocols (EUREPGAP/GLOBALGAP, NATURE'S CHOICE, ISO 22000 & ISO 9001, BRC, IFS) in large export companies.
It starts the implementation of pilot programs for the application of innovative techniques in the agricultural sector in various cooperative organizations began.
We are supervising the preparation, submission and support of application files of production organizations for the recognition of their products according to the EU Quality Systems. (PDO, PGI, TSG,).
We undertake the organization and supervision of the implementation of Operational Programs of the recognized Producer Organizations, within the framework of the European Regulations of the CMO.
We develop an innovative protocol for the production of preformed peach seedlings suitable for 2-D Training Systems (2-D Training Systems) orchards and supervise the establishment of model orchards until now.
New protocols such as GRASP, FSA, LEAF, SMETA etc. are constantly being added to the range of requirements of the quality standards.
Οur company has been planning and overseeing, in more than 58,000 hectares of arboricultural crops, the implementation of Agro-environmental Action 10.1.8. of P.A.D "Mating Disruption: Method of sexual confusion of lepidoptera".
We submit 11 proposals in Action 1 of Measure 16 of the P.A.D. "Cooperation and Innovation" which are approved. In 2022 we submit for approval in Action 2 of Measure 16, 10 of the above proposals.
We are documenting the 1st Industrial Peach Cultivation Protocol within the framework of our participation in the "STONE FRUIT NETWORK" Cluster.
We are certified as an Agricultural Advisory Provider and we are applying to join Metro 2 of the P.A.D. "Consulting services, agricultural management services ...", with the largest, in terms of number and experience, potential of Certified Agricultural Advisors in the country.

2D pear projects
Agro Q’s technical consultants undertook the installation-planting study, the plant protection and tree shaping plan and the supervision of the correct execution of the 50ha industrial pear orchards in the prefectures of Imathia and Larissa. Our consultants’ approach is to create climate-resilient orchards where we maintain biodiversity and produce fruit with quality characteristics required for industry.
10 innovations with partnership (Measure 16)
Agro Q as a partner, in collaboration with research and university institutions and businesses in the primary sector, submitted and approved 10 proposals in Action 1 in measure 16. We are proceeding with the implementation of the proposals in Action 2.
We participated as an implementer of the test measurements of agroecological practices in the field in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Athens for the European program Horizon 2020 “UNISECO”.
Focus Group Eip-Agri
As part of our obligation to contribute to policy decisions for the development of HORIZON 2020 programs and the establishment of operational groups for the “Collaboration & Innovation” programs, we were selected to participate in the Focus Group on the sustainable reduction of the use of plant protection products in stone fruits and pome fruits.
in our people
Vakamis Dimitris
Vakamis Dimitris
Boutsikas George
Boutsikas George
Θεοδωρόπουλος Σάββας
Theodoropoulos Savvas
Ζιάννης Θεοδώρος
Ziannis Theodoros
Παπαιώαννου Μαρία
Papaioannou Maria
Μπαλάκου Μαρία
Balakou Maria
Σαββίδης Άγγελος
Savvidis Angelos
Γρηγοροπούλου Ελένη
Grigoropoulou Eleni
Ανάστος Ηλίας
Anastos Elias
Ιορδανίδης Γιάννης
Iordanidis Giannis
Διαλεκτοπούλου Αναστασία
Dialektopoulou Anastasia
Χατζηευφραιμίδης Γιάννης
Hatziefremidis Giannis
Τσιάτσιος Γρηγόρης
Tsiatsios Grigoris
Παπαθεοφίλου Πασχάλης
Papatheofilou Pashalis
Βαρσαμοπούλου Δάφνη
Varsamopoulou Daphne
Τσέος Νίκος
Tseos Nikos
Τρομπούκης Μαρίος
Troboukis Marios
Μπουτσίκας Φάνης
Boutsikas Fanis
Τερζόπουλος Πλάτων
Terzopoulos Platon
Καμπίσιος Αλέξανδρος
Kampisios Alexandros
Μπέη Μαρία
Bei Maria
Νέστορας Νίκος
Nestoras Nikos
Αντωνίαδου Ελένη
Antoniadou Eleni
Economical advisor